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Sunday, September 13, 2009

The Price is Wrong, Bob

If you go to a taping of the esteemed game show: The Price is Right, and you are the last person to bid, do not, bid 1 dollar less than the previous bidder. I beg of you. Years off of my life span are kissed goodbye every time this happens. Why even go to the show if you have no f@*ing clue what you are doing. You are the last bidder, you have the utmost control. You can hand pick a huge range of values, typically bidding 1 dollar over the highest bid is a safe bet if bids are reasonable, but 1 dollar under? This happened twice yesterday, followed by Drew giving a smirk that can only represent, “I can’t believe how stupid that college chick is, my 4 year old could have said a more reasonable number than you, maybe put down the jello shot and pick up a book”… (wow, I feel so much better now…deep breaths…deep breaths)

Will somebody please let David Kahn know he is not getting paid on a commission basis? I loved the Ramon Sessions signing but, cmon, all of these trades are a bit much. Perhaps he is trying to compensate for royally messing up the Rubio draft? You definitely go Rubio/Curry or Flynn/Curry, because those guards complement each other much more than Rubio/Flynn who both need the ball in their hands, running the offense, to be successful. This is why non-basketball people (a lawyer in this case) should not be GMs. They can handle the money aspect of being a GM, but have no clue about team chemistry, and how players can play together. Rubio didn’t sign because he did not want to split time with Flynn, as he would have been doing. They would not have been on the floor at the same time. (at least not successfully).

But, hey, he’s still infinity times better than McHale, so I will be patient and hopeful. (Q up Morgan Freeman “Shawshank” voice) I hope the pacific is as blue as it is in my dreams.. I hope.. I hope.

I would like to formally ask Rick Reilly to retire. He used to be an ok sports writer, not my favorite, but tolerable. He has managed to transform himself from a poor man’s Bill Simmons (in terms of wittiness) to a whiny moral compass on a soapbox who makes stupid analogies (Kurt Warner’s career has had more ups and downs than an Otis elevator!!) Dumb.
He goes on to call out Tiger Woods for his “tantrums,” using his public forum to show everyone how cool it is to suggest unreasonable things of people. Here is what was wrong with what he was saying:
1) Tiger Woods is a hyper-competitive person, which is why he is the best. So if he does something that makes him mad, he’s not just going to do nothing. He might throw a club, me might drop an f-bomb. Who cares? He is under immense pressure to win every tournament he enters, so yeah, he might be a little on edge sometimes.

2) Golf is, unto itself, a frustrating sport. Are you telling me, Rick Reilly, that you never get frustrated whacking that little golf ball all over the course? Before you publicly condemn Tiger, maybe take a look in the mirror, and at every golfer in the history of ever, before you yell at Tiger.
3) Tiger has been this way his whole career. He always sports his half frustrated, half pouty face after most shots. Get over it. He’s not going to change, despite your – I have nothing relevant to write about- article.

This person has caused me untold anguish