You were one of the most original comics of the new millennium. You could handle being an Elf in the movie by the same name, being a diabolical mastermind trying to kill the prime minister of Malaysia in Zoolander, and the exceptional portraying of the lovable Frank the Tank in Old School. Very few people have made me the laugh in so many different ways.
That is why I have been so frustrated with the recent Will Ferrell movies. It is like he is not even trying anymore. Sure, they have a few cheap laughs, but they are all just because of the how far-fetched and ridiculous the punch line was. It appears as though Will has run out of ideas. The hackneyed script involving the border-line mediocre John C. Reilly at his side, or Will sporting ridiculous sports apparel has got to go.
Try it. Watch Blades of Glory/Semi-Pro/Talladega Nights back to back to back. You might weep. It is as though the previous movie’s plot was Xeroxed, new actors inserted and a few new cheap gags thrown in for good measure.
Not only are the plots way too predictable, the characters that Ferrell plays are painfully similar.
I am picturing the script writers pitching the idea:
1st writer: “Quick thought, what if Will was a somewhat dim-witted man who made it big in spite of his faults while maintaining an eerie innocence as he crashed and burned, then rose again?”
2nd writer “It’s pure gold! Wait didn’t we just do that?”
1st writer: “No in that one he was a feebleminded nitwit who dramatically goes through ups and downs while trying to remain virtuous.”
2nd writer: “Ah of course, apples and oranges baby! We got a winner!”
I know that this repetition is true of most actors and actresses. Very few can defy the type-cast of their first character that makes it big. But I thought Will would be different. He is too talented to keep letting himself be associated with these dull uninspired scripts.
So go out and find something worthy of your comedic expertise Will. I know you can, because you’ve done it so many times before. Maybe start with another well placed cameo, such as in Wedding Crashers, and ease your way back into this.
Just resist the urge to put on that headband/ice skate/jock strap, and get back to doing what you do best, making me laugh.
I'm pretty sure he does most of his own work, jokes/scripts-wise. So it's really his own fault if he is who he is. Anyway people love him, so I don't think he's complaining.
absolutely right.
I think he recently announced that he wont do any more sports movies. So thats a plus. Also, Anchorman 2 is in the works, and if they get the original cast back together, im gonna throw this out there and say it could double what the dark knight did? call me crazy, but I have a hunch.
Jake...I couldn't agree more.
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